In the midst of the pandemic and racial issues/challenges...

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Robert Beezat


COVID-19 / Racial Justice

In the midst of the pandemic and racial issues/challenges in our country, what are you doing to bring hope and change from the bottom up? What do you think could or should be done?


1. Here is an article written by U.S. Representative John Lewis a few days before his death. Mr. Lewis was one of the original Freedom Riders in the early 1960's who helped bring about major changes to improve racial justice in our country. He offers positive ideas and encouragement on how to fight against racism. Read More

2. Paulette Flynn, is the former Executive Director of Share and is a member of the Milwaukee Food Council. She and her team are partnering with local ministers to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless in Milwaukee. So far, over 3,000 sandwiches and hundreds of dozens of cookies were distributed. Here is a link to an article and radio interview with Ms. Flynn and another volunteer, Max Ramsey. Hear and read more!

3. "One Person Can Really Make a Difference. Camille Mays is an activist, mother, and fighter for justice." Of the many heroes in our city, Camille Mays stands out because of the tireless work she has committed to violence prevention and speaking out for our city’s underrepresented neighborhoods. She is a hero because dedicates every free moment she has to helping others. Whether she is supporting families of victims of gun violence, organizing a protest or assisting people to register to vote, she puts her community first. Read More

4. Commentary: "After George Floyd’s death, remedy for apathy is equity in civics education"
By Caleb Dunson, a recent high school graduate from Chicago. Six years after I began to fear for my life, I now see equity in civics education as the path forward. It’s time we build a future where students like me are not the exception, but the rule. Read More

5. On the site where a looted liquor store once stood, teens now run Austin Harvest, an open-air market stocked with produce, flowers, and hope It started with healing circles. George Floyd had just been killed, and former Chicago Bears linebacker Sam Acho approached By The Hand Club For Kids, an after school program in the Austin neighborhood, looking for ways to help push the growing fallout in a positive direction. Donnita Travis, By the Hand Club’s executive director, suggested healing circles to get young people talking — about what Floyd’s death meant in their lives, in their communities, in the way they move through the world. Read More


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