Hope-Filled Organizations
Listed below are a number of Hope-Filled Organizations which are on this website. Additional organizations are added regularly when they are recommended by website readers and when I become aware of them through my own work, reading, and research.
The organizations are listed in alphabetical order. When you click on an organization name below, it will take you to that organization on the Hope-Filled Organization web page.
Once you get to the information about a particular organization there is link you can click on which will tell you more about that organization.
Action for Happiness
Allies for Community Business
BlackBird Gen
Braver Angels
Capuchin Community Services – Milwaukee
Catholic Labor Network
Chicago Tool Library
Civic Wellbeing Partners
Collaborative for Spirituality in Education
Courageous Conversations
CUSH: Congregations United to Serve Humanity
Engineers Without Borders
Female Farmers Project
Fetzer Institute
First Choice Pre-Apprenticeship
Forrest E. Powell Foundation
Golden Rule Project
Great Hearts Community
Gross National Happiness
Habilitative Systems, Inc.
Habitat for Humanity – Milwaukee
HeartBeat Center
Heart Haven Outreach - H2O
Higher Expectations For Racine County
I Am Abel Foundation
Inspired Coffee
Inspiration Ministries
Interfaith America
Impact 4 Good
I Pledge
John 23 Educational Center
Joy Trip Project
Just Bakery
Kids For Peace
Kiwanis Clubs
League of Women Voters
Let Us Dream
Love Fridge
Little Friends for Peace
Loaves & Fishes Community Services
Love, Inc.
Lucy's Children's Fund
Lulac: League of United American Citizens
Major League Baseball: Clemente Award
Mamas Caucus
Millennial Action Project
Milwaukee Muslim Women's Coalition
Mt. Pleasant, WI COP House
National Network to End Domestic Violence
Optimist Clubs
Pathways to Peace
PBMR – Hope For Generations
Racine Kenosha Community Action Agency
Racine Vocational Ministries
Racine Women for Racial Justice
Random Acts of Kindness
Root-Pike WIN (Watershed Initiative Network)
Rotary Clubs
Seeds of Hope
Sleep In Heavenly Peace
Special Olympics Wisconsin
Strong Prison Wives & Families
Suicide Prevention Services of America
The Asha Project & End Domestic Abuse
United Community Center
United Nations
United Way Racine County
U.S. Department of Education-TRIO Programs
Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin
Visioning a Greater Racine
Volunteer Center of Racine County
Water Protection Committee of Racine County
Weave: The Social Fabric Project
Wisconsin Character Education Partnership
Wisconsin Faith Voices
Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership
Women’s Fund of Door County
World Central Kitchen
World Food Prize Foundation
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin
Zonta International
There are a broad variety of Hope-Filled Organizations.
Some are local. Some are statewide. Some are National. And some are international.
Some are group oriented activities and some support actions by individuals.
Almost all are not for profits.
No matter what area of interest in which you want to make a positive difference,
There is a group which wants you, needs you, and will help you
Fulfill your hopes and dreams for a better world.
What hope-filled organizations are you a part of now
or wish to be part of in the future?
Share Your Thoughts
From battlefields in Iraq to the Nashville music scene,
how a Marine veteran is using art to heal
By Meg Dunn, CNN, Published Thu August 11, 2022 Nashville, TNCNN —
Growing up, Richard Casper always knew he wanted to serve others. When he was a junior in high school, the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened, and he realized how he would fulfill that calling.
“I had this urge inside of me,” he said. “I joined the Marine Corps infantry. … I wanted to be the first person going overseas and fighting.”
During basic training, he was selected for a special duty of guarding then-President George W. Bush at Camp David. Once he received clearance and completed that 14-month assignment, he was still determined to deploy.
“When I touched down in Iraq, I was prepared to die,” Casper said. “I was just ready to do my job.”
Within the first four months, his Humvee was hit by IEDs four separate times. During one mission, his good friend and gunner, Luke Yepsen, was shot by a sniper and died beside him.
“It was so hard to comprehend what happened because we go to work the next day like nothing happened,” Casper said. “When you’re in the infantry, they have to strip away all your vulnerabilities. They have to, because (otherwise) you’re not going to survive in war.”
Casper was forever changed after serving in Iraq, and he struggled with the transition home. He started failing the college business courses he had enrolled in and developed crippling anxiety.
“I couldn’t do it,” Casper said. “But I knew I was smart. You had to have a certain IQ to guard the President.”
He went to his local VA hospital and learned he had post-traumatic stress, degenerative disk disease, and tinnitus, among other medical issues. To read more, click on this link: https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/11/us/nashville-music-art-veterans-therapeutic-cnnheroes/index.html
To view a 9 minute video about Richard Casper and his work, please click on this link: https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/11/us/nashville-music-art-veterans-therapeutic-cnnheroes/index.html
Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin
Based in Racine, WI, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin (VOW) works to make a difference in the lives of at-risk Veteran households in every community across Wisconsin. We were founded by community members who recognized a need and took action. What began as a group of volunteers in 2013 has blossomed rapidly into a growing organization. Our program expanded in 2017 to include a village of 15 tiny homes, a food market, and trauma-informed programming. We are looking to expand our services in Racine and serve Veteran households in Milwaukee.
As the first and most successful project of its kind in Wisconsin, VOW has been recognized nationally as a model for other communities. Our Milwaukee expansion will be a village of 42 tiny homes, a 10,000 sq ft community center, and a complimentary Veterans Food Market. Located at 6767 N. 60th Street, the Milwaukee development will emulate the programming services offered in Racine. Working with collaborative partners will increase capacity across our service network to care for our local heroes and their families. Our holistic approach to recovery is a blueprint for how communities can come together and support our heroes in need.
Tiny Homes Veterans Village The Veteran Market
To learn more about the Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin, click on this link: https://vowvillages.com/
Who we are
A national project working to ensure that children and teens in foster care get
safe, loving, permanent families.
AdoptUSKids educates families about foster care and adoption and gives child welfare professionals information and support to help them improve their services. We also maintain the nation’s only federally funded photolisting service that connects waiting children with families.
Our Mission:
- Raise public awareness about the need for foster and adoptive families for children in the public child welfare system
- Assist US states, territories, and tribes to recruit, engage, develop and support foster and adoptive families
Serving families: We help families with the adoption process—every step of the way.
Helping professionals: We provide an array of resources to caseworkers and agency managers and administrators
To read more about this organization, click on this link: AdoptUSKids
To view and listen to three, separate, one-minute stories about AdoptUSKids families and children, click on these links:
https://youtu.be/F4nMIEt1ALg https://youtu.be/AaW-ybG6oX0 https://youtu.be/iaVvCePdoVc
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels. To learn more about the League of Women Voters, click on this link: Home | League of Women Voters (lwv.org)